
Showing posts from June, 2020

"Tha, tha, that's OK...I came in."

I was reading a book the other day about resilience and the factors involved in becoming resilient. As a matter of fact, the book is called  Resilience . One of the factors that the authors discussed was looking for meaning in difficult situations.   Probably the most resilient person I have ever read about to date is Viktor Frankl. He survived unimaginable torture in concentration camps and tells some of his story in his book  Man's Search for Meaning . Ultimately, he contradicted Freud's belief that motivation in life is driven by pleasure and Adler's belief that motivation is driven by power. Frankl believed wholeheartedly that our only motivation in life was directly linked to our meaning; the meaning we assign to ourselves. Before being sent to a concentration camp, he was treating patients who were suicidal. While in the concentration camp, he recognized that what was true for his patients was also true for him. He had a manuscript for a book that he was working on wi