Coconuts and Bananas
I attend a meditation group on Saturday mornings. It is my sangha. My community. It is a group of about 9 people with a teacher who instructs us to focus on our breath, our bodies, loving kindness for others, and compassion for ourselves. On occasion she will read a passage from a mindfulness book to give us an intention or thought to focus on throughout the day. One particular thought a couple weeks ago stuck with me. This is an old story that many have probably heard before but goes like this: Natives in Asia devised a plan to catch monkeys by drilling holes in coconuts large enough for the monkey to fit their hands into but small enough so that when they reach in to grab a banana left for them they cannot pull their fist out. The monkeys would reach into the coconut to get the bananas and because they were so intent on getting the banana out (but could not get their fists out) they would starve. The monkeys would starve, attempting to get the banana, not realizing that if they jus...